The Somatic Revolution is here.

A remembering of the innate

Wisdom in your System. 

Your birthright& pathway to embodied truth.
Applications open!

The revolution is yours to take.

The Wisdom in your System

A 8 week deep-dive into YOU.


Our journey will take you through 8 weeks of dancing with the shadows protecting you from your power, clarity& truth. 


Each week we uproot, re-integrate and de-armour a layer of protection in order to end our journey in our seat of presence with all parts of ourselves. Re-claimed& embodied in who we truly are.


This is a trauma-informed space that closely works with your *safe edge*. And at the same time will challenge you to face truths that have been censored by your fear& ego. All in service of your remembrance of your power, embodied aliveness& truest self. 


This creation is a rich journey, each step offering an intimate space of support.



Our journey together

A container that invokes
Intimacy, Connection, Community, Authenticity, Creativity, Truth, Curiosity, Expansion, Healing, Simplicity, Softness, Play, Shadow, Light, Intention

June 18th- August 6th

This is a container that holds both community& intimacy at the core of each step of our process& journey.

With 2x weekly calls you receive attunement on a level that is not only physical but emotional, energetic and immersive.

There is no sales pitch for this space.

If you feel the pull- it is your self-leadership that is required to enter the space.  

Is this you right now?

a deeeeeep knowing there’s more to this life than just the day to day practical “doing”


⌘ a desire to be more connected& present with& in your body 

⌘ you want to feel your own aliveness again; feel connected to life around you again

⌘ either feeling “too much” or barely feeling anything

⌘ High Highs& low lows

difficulty feeling& voicing your YES & your NO 

What else will you receive?

⌘ 1x Weekly CORE MODULE group call (120 minutes)

⌘ 4x  CIRCLES: Exclusive Q&A access to Nora+  Integration Support


⌘ Access to a the SANCTUM MEMBERSHIP space for the 8 weeks+ 2 bonus weeks (Value: 200€)

Group Support via Telegram

⌘ Trauma-informed Space-holding& facilitation

⌘ Ancient tools from Chinese Medicine, Tantra, Meditation merged with cutting-edge Neuroscience

⌘ A regular Ritual space

⌘ Somatic& Nervous System Re-patterning

⌘ Journal Prompts& Integration work

⌘ Access to exclusive transmissions& previous Breathwork journeys

Pre-recorded Audio guides throughout the weeks for your personal somatic practise

Beautifully curated soundscapes for your personal use.

You're someone whose ready to embody their truth, access their power& willing to explore the wisdom waiting in the body as a pathway to embodied freedom.

If you're tired of....

⌘  the part of you that holds back in fear of being “too much”, saying “too much”, needing “too much”

⌘  an overactive mind, often moments of racing thoughts& overwhelm

⌘  being unsure of where your boundaries are& GUILT when you do set them

⌘ feeling disconnected from your intuition& deeper knowing

Patterns of avoidance& or Anxiousness in your relationships, work, creativity, partnership. 


Wisdom in your System

With the slow-drip of this launch the price of this 8-week initiation is self-led. 

Meaning you get to lead yourself by investing into the tier that feels true& in integrity to you. 


You're leading yourself from a clear yes. This is the full price for the 8 weeks.
  • The full investment into this space& your transformation.
  • Payment to be completed prior to the starting date.
  • Completed via paythen, a Stripe integration system.


A payment plan to give you a little more breathing space as you embark on these 8 weeks.
€280 x 3
  • To be completed within the timeframe of the 8 weeks.
  • A little more support in entering this space.
  • Completed via paythen, a Stripe integration system.

Scholarship Spaces

Scholarship spaces are made available on request: If you deeply feel you need to be in this container- don’t hesitate to send an e-mail.

The Schedule

Weekly Initiation Calls (Recorded)

All calls ~2hrs CET

OPENING CALL Saturday: 18th June 11-13:00 CET

Thursday: 23rd June 18-20:00 CET

Thursday: 30th June 18-20:00 CET

Thursday: 7th July 18-20:00 CET

Thursday: 14th July 18-20:00 CET

Thursday: 21st July 18-20:00 CET

Thursday: 28th July-20:00 CET


All audio journeys, integration, reflection& self-paced practises are to be woven into this schedule at your own desire& clarity. . 

Breathwork Journeys (Recorded)

All calls ~2hrs at 17:30-19:30 CET

WEEK 1 Journey #1: Monday 20th June

WEEK 3 Journey #2: Monday 4th July

WEEK 8 Journey #3: Monday 1st August



Saturday: 25th June 10-11:00 CET

Saturday: 9th July 10-11:00 CET

Saturday: 16th July 10-11:00 CET

Saturday: 23rd July 10-11:00 CET

I want extra support

You'll be receiving 2x exclusive 1:1's with Nora that will provide extra integration& processing.
  • If you find yourself in overflow& ready to pour into this space.
  • INCLUDES 2 EXCLUSIVE 60-90 min 1:1's with Nora.
  • Completed via the Mighty Networks interface- where all our journey will be held.


Trauma-Informed Work

– Somatic IFS

-Embodied Movement

-Somatic Resensitisation

– SBM© Breathwork

– NLP& Neurofeedback 
-Biomimicry& Morphic Resonance 

– Nervous system Resourcing

You weave YOUR story

The unique Healing Wildly Framework ©– created by Nora will act as your foundation to weave your own story of healing, integration& potently embodied, self-leadership.

Healing in Connection​

Most patterns of dysregulation& contraction come alive in connection. Which means they also heal in connection. 

This is a core pillar in Wisdom in your System. 

We rise together.

An incredibly intimate space

– Weekly group experience

– A container unlike any other- an initiation into aliveness.

– At least 3 Breathwork sessions 

– 4 exclusive Q& A opportunities
– Rituals& integration



Even more clarity for you.

Our potent 8-week immersion, woven together and curated through the many years of experience, trauma-informed practises and the unique “System Wisdom” framework” © created by our founder Nora Wiedemann.

Will I receive course content?

During the course duration, all course materials will become your property without the right for further commercial use.

Video recordings will be accessible to you for a time period (TBD) after the closing circle. 

Important- read our Terms& Conditions.

How often will we have live sessions?

All Specific live online sessions will be scheduled in & announced prior to the journey beginning. 

Overall you receive; 

  • 1x group call a week in which we go through a group process& integration
  • 5 x Exclusive Q& A and integration circles
  • Rituals– which will be woven into the Programme as required. 
  • Breathwork activations- woven into the Programme as required. (3 powerful sessions)

= a total of ~3hrs a week (live)

How is the course formatted?

The course takes place online. All you need is a phone or computer with a stable internet connection.

Our community space will be held via Mighty Networks.

We will host all live online calls via Zoom, support will be given via telegram& the Mighty Networks chat. 

Are there payment plans available?

Yes! If you’re needing a little extra support to enter the space just send us an e-mail here and we will create some options for you. 

All payment plans will be fulfilled within the first 3 months of purchase date. 
(all prices incl. VAT)

Will there be a recording?

Yes! Though it is expected that you attend the calls when possible as the live experience is the most potent option there will be recordings.  This journey should be done at a pace that is digestible by your system- recordings will act in support of that integration as something to re-watch in your own time. 

The QnA of a session will NOT be recorded- in respect of the sharing space. After each live, a recording will be posted in the Mighty Networks space which will be available until the end of  our journey together. 

All other content, audio journeys, guidebooks, playlists will remain as your purchase with sole personal use. 

Are re-funds possible?

Refunds are available within 21 days of purchase but will be assessed on a case-by-case basis at the discernment of Healing Wildly. Circumstances and Proof of participation etc will be assessed. See our terms& conditions for more.

I want to become an affiliate in this work, is that available?

Yes! After purchase you will receive more info on the affiliate options available to you. 

What's the workload like?

The LIVE time will be between 2-5 hours/ week.

Our live calls will be between 90-120minutes long. There will be optional QnA sessions (that you can choose to participate in or not). 1x 90minute 1:1 with Nora during the trajectory of the 8 weeks and 3 60-90 minute Breathwork Sessions spread across the 8 weeks. 

Your Solo Practise will take as long as you would like to give it time. 

This includes journalling prompts, audio journeys, guided practises& your own devotional time with your integration. 

Do I receive a 1:1 with Nora?

The bonus offer of 1x exclusive 1:1 session (60-90mins) with Nora is included in the “OVERFLOWING” investment of 1111€ 

This will act as a unique opportunity to work directly& intimately with your inner process. Currently it is the only way to work 1:1 with Nora outside of her Mentorship container. Its a sweet act of gratitude from Nora for those who feel a very clear YES.

Contact us

Based in Amsterdam

KVK: 77799674

An initiation into returning home to the primal truth of our embodied aliveness.
A space woven with the threads of integrity, sovereignty & Presence

© 2021 All rights reserved. Developed at Clientica, theme Lissa. Build with Atiframe. KVK: 77799674

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