Who are we& what do we believe in

The vision behind "Healing Wildly"

At Healing Wildly, we believe that everything we seek externally ultimately lies within us. Our essence is rooted in the understanding that healing is not about fixing but about embracing multifaceted humanity. Our philosophy is centered in grief work, parts work, and cultivating a deep relationship with every aspect of ourselves so that we may (re) birth from our deepest truth.

The space is ready for you.

Wisdom in your System

“Explore the basics of emotions and learn to access, feel, and support them through Breathwork, inner parts work, and neuroscience-backed embodiment practices.”

About Nora Wiedemann

Founder& Vision holder of Healing Wildly. 

I'm in devotion to

Honoring the rhythms of death and rebirth, nurturing aliveness, and accessing the profound wisdom within our bodies and intuition.

Contact us

Based in Amsterdam

KVK: 77799674

An initiation into returning home to the primal truth of our embodied aliveness.
A space woven with the threads of integrity, sovereignty & Presence

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