Immerse yourself in some of the experiences, testimonies and transformations of this work. Collected from various different containers& spaces.

May these words spark your courage to finally CLAIM and BECOME all that you deep down know yourself to be.

Your story comes next.

Lawrence Jacobs

"Working with Nora means going to the root of symptoms, and in her space of unconditional love she is able to guide you to a higher or deeper level. The result of this, is that you don't have to repeat the same lessons over and over because you can face them directly. Highly recommended if you are interested in healing, in paradigm shifts, in an evolution of consciousness."

Lawrence Jacobs,
Philosopher, Coach& Writer
Ines Castagnet

I loved the Group Container that was offered by Nora. It was a concentrated mixture of somatic focus, release and sitting with energy that is present within our bodies. A unique form of exploration inquiry- without the pressure to "breakthrough, let go or change"- which you have in so many spaces these days.


This was explored through movement, stillness and breath. The experience opens up a toolkit of how to move with your body through your life and emotions. Noras passion for her work, fierce warmth and tender care for all that enter her spaces makes any container feel safe and held, even though you most likely will be pushed outside of your comfort zone. Her Work is apseically potent for releasing, reflecting and resetting your entire being& internal landscape.

Ines Castagnet,
Indiritus: Hypno-psycho Therapist
Casper Schipper

I would highly recommend any of Noras' work to anyone that even feels the slightest curiosity or pull toward it. All you need is an openness to dive deep within and have the trust to be guided into a process far bigger than your expectations. From there, Nora will do everything to guide you into a new paradigm of physical, mental and emotional strength.

I am deeply grateful to have experienced such a wonderful and worthwhile afternoon. Throughout the immersion I felt very welcome, at peace and safe. It was a powerful atmosphere that removes ones inner barriers, allowing for deep introspection.

The combination of somatic movement& awareness, mental coaching, breathwork and the extremely careful, loving and committed guidance is very powerful.

For me it providing a portal to concealed grief and revealed the obstacles that prevent me from reaching accessing who I want to be.

Casper Schipper,
Group Container
Laura Snyder

This was one of the most profound and immersive collection of 1:1 sessions I’ve had in my long journey of healing spaces.

Nora guided me from a place of deep attunement to my psychophysical and somatic well-being. At moments it was almost as if she was energetically guiding my deeper healing intelligence, at a subconscious level rather than conscious.

In the weeks following the sessions it felt like I had shifted dimensions. My whole energy transformed- I felt a level of personal clarity and power that extended into all aspects of my life;my business, my energy, my focus, my family- my inner sense of “I got this”.

From the tools Nora shared I also felt empowered to maintain and continue integrating whatever continues to arise for me.

Laura Snyder,
Kelvin Zauner

I thought I knew what to expect... 

Far from the truth, I experienced such beautiful things during the session,things that I never even thought I could experience.

During the session I had to breathe through some deeply rooted barriers which was intense but took me into a deeper experience of myself than ever.This was coupled with an experience of relaxation and freedom that no yoga class or meditation had ever opened in me.

Together with the atmosphere, the trust I felt with the facilitation and the deep sense of safety to really go within it was an absolutely beautiful session.

I would recommend it to anyone, the breath is powerful, the guidance I received even better!

Kelvin Zauner,

This world needs your


When we remember the gateway to the Wisdom of our System- we become the spaciousness that holds all these sacred & potent truths – offering the unshakable roots of our authentic embodiment. 
You’re ready. 

OPEN NOW: The Wisdom in your System- an 8-week initiation

The potential to live a life of Aliveness is always within you.
Reclaim your nervous system, understand your subconscious, find clarity& embody freedom. It is your birthright.

Trauma-Informed Work

– Somatic IFS

-Feldenkreis Method

-Somatic Resensitisation

– SBM© Breathwork

– NLP& Neurofeedback 
-Biomimicry& Morphic Resonance 

You weave YOUR story

The unique Healing Wildly Framework ©– created by Nora will act as your foundation to weave your own story of healing, integration& potently embodied, self-leadership.


Healing in Connection​

Most patterns of dysregulation& contraction come alive in connection. Which means they also heal in connection. 

This is a core pillar in Wisdom in your System. 

We rise together.

An incredibly intimate space

– Weekly group experience

– An exclusive 1:1 with Nora to really drop deep

– At least 3 Breathwork sessions 

– Q& A’s as needed
– Rituals& integration


Contact us

Based in Amsterdam

KVK: 77799674

An initiation into returning home to the primal truth of our embodied aliveness.
A space woven with the threads of integrity, sovereignty & Presence

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