Applications Open
limited spaces

A 6 month Facilitation& Mentorship Program

A revolutionary 6 month Group Facility Training

3 months of deep diving into your leadership& potency.

3 months of Trauma& Release focused Breathwork facilitation methods, Neurobiology, Somatic theory& Technique focused learning. 

Initiating you into all the skills, level of embodiment and leadership necessary to be a safe and potent facilitator of Breathwork. 

Are you a

Then this is your invitation.


Dip a toe into the skills of Breathwork...

This programme includes two phases divided into 2x 3month Segments. These are designed for you to step into a deeper experience of embodiment from which your unique facilitation and niche will unfold.


Interlaced with a potent pace of of self-exploration and excavation, theory and integration lie at the heart of this journey. By exploring your breath, you uncover the practical embodiment of your presence and impact as a facilitator that will allow you to extend into deeper landscapes with your future clients, your children, partners & communities.

Due to a large number of applications this Mentorship will be available in a intensive group trajectory of 6 months with a Maximum number of participant spaces.

“It is all extremely fascinating and the idea that soon I will be facilitating a session and diving deeper in the practice feels so incredibly potent. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. “- Sara Bigatti, Student of 2022

Reading Material& Literature


Meet one of the latest Graduates; Sara Bigatti

'I met Nora over a coffee, simply with the intention of sharing more of what she does. I found it fascinating, without fully knowing what it was about. We ended up talking for hours and I felt immediately connected; she was kind, grounded, embodied. Two weeks later, I started a 6 month journey with Nora - a Mentorship which is - by this time I am writing - almost finished.

It has been an incredible journey, I learnt about myself - about breathwork and I have been living a transformation within that feels just so aligned with everything. The journey unfolds so naturally and by the end I start to realize how everything within this journey (sessions, readings, lectures..) was deeply connected. I just would recommend Nora to anyone (literally); I love that she bridges so beautifully spirituality and science, with a special gift of empathy that brings her fully 'on earth'.

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FEEL A YES? Book your free discovery call

After booking your intake call you will receive a free 30 minute Visioning session. This will determine if you are a match for this format of training. The Breath Initiation is an intensive, rich, deep journey & we are not able to take all who apply. We are very excited to consider your application.


Claim a space in the calendar, come with your questions and prepare yourself for the next step towards becoming a Breathwork Facilitator.
Book my call

Have a little taste test...

Take a look at some of the online lectures included in our journey. Lectures taught via embodied integration. A rich landscape of deep theoretical content, practical applications& neuro-psychological implications. 

Who is this Course For?

Curious Seekers& Self- Leaders

Parents, Teachers& Caretakers

Leaders, Artists& Creatives

Professionals in Somatic Release, Bodywork, Yoga &Movement

Coaches, Councillors, Hypnotists& Space-Holders

Medical Professionals Acupuncturists, Herbalists, Naturopaths

Breathwork Professionals

Athletes& Biohackers

Community& Circle Holders


This Mastermind Group Training is the most intensive, rich& deep journey offered in this space.  


The financial investment is one that you are making energetically into the space and most importantly into your own transformation. 


There are two different payment plans available (12 months& 6 months) which will be shared following the application process. 

We are in deep service to accessibility of these teachings& facilitation thus, 2 Scholarship spots will also be made available, send an e-mail detailing your why& clarifying your reason of entering this container. 

If you are selected successfully via the Intake process, you'll receive all the support and information needed for you your fully-informed YES.

This includes the schedule, time& dates, additional call times& the final Investment (with payment plans calculated too). Embarking on this initiation is a commitment on both ends& you will have all the time to make this decision via a successful investment (in full/ part) before& up until 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the next cohort.

Contact us

Based in Amsterdam

KVK: 77799674

An initiation into returning home to the primal truth of our embodied aliveness.
A space woven with the threads of integrity, sovereignty & Presence

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