1:1 & Group Breathwork

"The way you breathe is the way you live"

Our inner expansion needs to be accessible& paralleled to the capacity of our nervous system. 

There are so many people diving right into the deep end- without the resources& self-response-ability to actually lead themselves through a process of transformation. 

& this is the difference in having the capacity to actually embody our transformation vs just mentally masturbating ourselves into a spiritual ego that “knows itself” “is doing the work”  


The amount of creative power, responsibility, money, truth and aliveness you are able to experience is determined by the range of your nervous system.

Are you: 

  • Ready to go deeper than the 70% that most coaches/ experiences reach.
  • A leader looking to expand the range of responsibility, creative power, trust and money you’re able to hold
  • a deeply curious mind wanting an unshakable connection with yourself. Ready to welcome home all parts of you.  
  • A parent yearning for less reactivity and more responsiveness with your partner and children. You want to gift your children a space of safety, presence, attunement and sensitivity
  • A visionary that knows your next level is not something you can think yourself towards, only something you can anchor into every cell of your body.

Do you feel you’re hitting a wall with your journey?

  • You can list your patterns, know your core beliefs and have done extensive work understanding yourself yet you still feel these activated in your body… You know how you could respond yet have moments of reacting in old ways.
  • You’re ready to re-claim your conscious capacity to CHOOSE how you respond to life. In all circumstances. You’re ready to master your breath. 

  • You’ve done Breathwork but want to go deeper and actually RE-PATTERN your nervous system. You’re ready for full self-leadership. 

Breathwork offers the step beyond the intellect of the mind. 

Working exclusively with Nora offers an opportunity to deep dive into your unique landscape of transformative potential. 

With a personalised trajectory you receive full access to Nora’s unique guidance. 

Expect to be guided into deep clarity of your connection to yourself, your body and your truth.

Many coaches/ facilitators stop at 70% leaving you inspired but in some ways untouched. Nora reaches to the roots.  You will be met, cracked open to your 100%. 


Not what you think you want, but what you need. 

Patterns that can be addressed:

  • (Social) anxiety 
  • Depression
  • Addictions: food, nicotine, exercise, alcohol
  • Fear/ limitations
  • Business and Leadership visioning
  • Trauma patterns/ memories
  • Anger release& boundary work
  • Grief tending- the lungs according to Chinese Medicine carry the emotion of grief; we work with these meridian (energy) lines.
  • Eating disorders, body image patterns and behaviours
  • Chronic pain& fatigue

The type of Breathwork applied in you sessions will initiate you into reclaiming your seat of personal power, creative genius and emotional freedom. All while holding you accountable in the steps it takes to build the bridge between the present moment and your expansive potential. 

Breathwork holds an incredible capacity to change our neurochemistry, which directly influences our state of perception. Breathwork will transform the way you perceive yourself, your life and your creative power. You gain access to new& old parts of yourself that the ego (your day to day mind& identity) usually hides away. Breathwork invites in presence and creates space for those parts, for new ways of being, seeing yourself and the life path you’re on while empowering you with the capacity to lead yourself in a new direction. 


However- for a grounded answer…

There is a dominant focus on the immersive healing power of Somatic Breathwork.


Beginning with a contemplative journey into your current inner landscapes each session will be different. Whether it’s a more interactive re-patterning of micro reactions within your nervous system or an intensive somatic breathwork journey- each session will meet you exactly at your edge. In a breathwork session we will combine experiential somatic tools with a deep and full diaphragmatic way of breathing.


Stimulating the neurochemistry in this way will open the breath to your ‘edge’ in a circular way, giving space to unconscious limited breath patterns to be surrendered. Within coaching sessions, we will be connecting with whatever is calling you into expansion, integrating a more practical vision of your growth.

During all sessions Nora or one of her graduated facilitators will use discernment to adjust the method& style of breathing accordingly.

Most sessions are done in a “connected way” through the mouth. This means a fluid breath that does not stop at the inhale or after the exhale but continues throughout the session. We imagine the breath being like an archer pulling back a bow, the inhale being the pull back, and the exhale being the effortless release of the string. 

Why do we breathe in this way? 

Think back to the last moment you felt tension/ anxiousness in your body. You were not connected to your breath, you were unconsciously re-playing a memory or imprint from the past which reflects in the way you breath moved; shallow, disconnected and stuck. When you breathe into these triggers with a connected breath, you completely transform your relationship to these imprints and memories. You re-wire the way your nervous system perceives sensations, thought patterns and behaviours from being unsafe, wrong and disconnected to present, safe and powerful. 

1:1 Breathwork is offered with a minimum commitment of 6 sessions to assure the efficacy& integrity of space holding necessary for the transformatio process to occur. It is recommended to do a minimum of two monthly sessions.

A one-time session is only a possibility in the case of a couples session. Most couples choose to do 3-5 sessions, some do a monthly session over the course of years as a shared experience of deepening their connection, presence& responsiveness (instead of reactivity)

Each session is 1-2 hours long- both possible as online sessions and in-person sessions (in the Healing Wildly private practise space).


Group sessions are offered in online and live settings; with further details to be discussed upon request. 

Due to a high volume of requests for 1:1 sessions, these are currently only offered by request



Including the following info:

  • Desired offer (1:1, Group, Couples)
  • Trajectory length (1 session, 5 sessions, 10 sessions) 
  • Preferred timeframe& dates
  • Any questions, additional information or requests. 

Only 3 x 1:1 trajectories at a time are offered. Group and Couples sessions are planned ahead of time. If the current spaces are full you will be placed on a waiting list. Once your intake is accepted you will be contacted& session schedules will be confirmed or you will be added to the waiting list. 

All session will usually last between 60-120 minutes. Each session will hold precisely what is required in the moment. 

A group session can be an incredible way to bring together a group of people. By breathing together your brainwaves will start attuning to one another- creating a powerful connective experience beyond “team-building”exercises. Wether you want to bring your family together, your colleagues, your group of friends or a group of visionaries- Breathwork can deepen your relationships, bring old unresolved patterns to the surface and provide the space of integrating and dissolving these. 


A couples session is a deeply intimate experience of journeying together with the one you love the most. This can also be done together with a friend of course. 


The couples sessions will address unresolved nervous system patterns that are present in your relationship, it will strengthen your self connection as individuals as well as a couple.


Wether you struggle with:

  • boundaries
  • conflict avoidance
  • trust
  • surrender

– and other common themes that arise in the domain of intimacy and love- this offers a space to go beyond “talking it through”and dives right into repatterining your bodies’ reactions. These sessions are unlike any other session offered– a deeply nourishing journey in which you get to re-familiarise yourself with the deepest parts of yourself and your partner. 



::: It is not advised to participate in a session if you suffer from the following :::

    • Pregnancy- there are adjustments that can be made to accommodate pregnancy depending on trimester, condition& state of wellbeing. 
  • Cardiovascular diseases (Heart attack, stroke etc)
  • High/ Abnormal Blood Pressure
  • Asthma
  • Glaucoma
  • Osteoporosis
  • Recent surgery or physical injury
  • Epilepsy or a history of seizures
  • Severe psychiatric symptoms (particularly mania, psychosis or paranoia)
- We're looking forward to receive your request & will get back to you in no time.
Contact us

Based in Amsterdam

KVK: 77799674

An initiation into returning home to the primal truth of our embodied aliveness.
A space woven with the threads of integrity, sovereignty & Presence

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