All Current Offerings

The current library of creations, all offerings to your growth& transformations. As an individual- for the collective. 

Current Offer #1
A pre-launch Sale for you

Wisdom in your System

With the slow-drip of this launch the pre-sale offer of this 8-week initiation is now available at;

It's all already within you.

This world needs your

Is this you right now?

a deeeeeep knowing there’s more to this life than just the day to day practical “doing”


⌘ a desire to be more connected& present with& in your body 

⌘ you want to feel your own aliveness again; feel connected to life around you again

⌘ either feeling “too much” or barely feeling anything

⌘ High Highs& low lows

difficulty feeling& voicing your YES & your NO

⌘  A part of you that holds back in fear of being “too much”, saying “too much”, needing “too much”

⌘  an overactive mind, often moments of racing thoughts& overwhelm

⌘  unsure of where your boundaries are& guilt when you do set boundaries

⌘ a desire to be connected to your intuition& deeper knowing

⌘ Patterns of avoidance& or Anxiousness in your relationships, work, creativity, partnership. 

You’re someone whose ready to embody their truth, access their power& willing to explore the wisdom waiting in the body as a pathway to embodied freedom. 

The Wisdom in your System

This Container is an intensive, rich& deep journey - enter this space to find out more.

Feel into this journey...

Let the curiosity of your system lead you- knowing, that it is the gatekeeper of your transformation.

The Breathwork Initiation

Are you a

Then this is your invitation.

By application only

The Breath Initiation

Become a Breathwork Facilitator.

All held within a uniquely woven& intimate Mentorship opportunity.

Available in a intensive group trajectory of 6 months. Maximum number of participants will be 15.

Our 6 months will be Infused with:

  • 3 months of deep diving into your leadership& potency.
  • 3 months of Trauma- focused facilitation methods, Neurobiology, Somatic theory& Technique focused learning. 
Number of modules:
Online material:
40+ hours
Live Teaching:
52+ Hours
Current Offer #2

1:1 Mentorship Opportunity

A uniquely curated journey for you.

The unique Healing Wildly Framework created by Nora through years of learning, Embodiment, exploration& weaving containers of transformation will act as our foundation.

Our exclusive 1:1 work offers an opportunity to deep dive into your unique landscape of transformative potential. 

Some of the potent tools our work may include are: 
Somatic Internal Family Systems

Gene Keys to find your unique blueprint of alchemy

Transformational Breathwork to re-pattern your nervous system into safety

Potent integrative psychotherapy methods that bridge spirituality& neuroscience 

Embodied Business Tools

Energetic release& Ritual

Trauma informed re-sensitisation on multiple levels; mind, body& subconscious through 
NLP & cutting-edge Neurofeedback practises.

Apply Here for the 1:1 Mentorship

After completing this application, please give us several days to process your inquiry. The 1:1 Mentorship Container is an intensive, rich, deep journey & we are not able to take all who apply. We are very excited to read your application.

Are we a match?

Fill out this short little intake form so I can get to know you& your story.
Intake Form
How to enter this space.

"How do I know your offerings are a match for me?"

If you know you know. If you feel that intuitive pull, deep down, in your bones– you know. If there is a part of you triggered, in resistance to, in judgement of any of my work. Even better. I invite you bring these parts into these spaces of exploration- to be held, integrated and redefined in a new landscape of your embodiment& leadership.


Lay down the layers of protection at the altar of your own heart& truth. In service to the revolutionary act of reclaiming your birthright to aliveness& innocence. 

If this is you then we're definitely a match...

These creations& containers are spaces that have been birthed from the deepest of intentions. A culmination of years of experience, learning and rebirthing processes concentrated into these offerings. Trust the pull towards whichever of these spaces is asking to hold you.  

In honouring the core values of integrity, sovereignity& authenticity– all of these spaces are a co-creation of your energy and Noras.

I trust your knowing. I trust your yes& no. 

See you on the other side. 

A desire to cultivate more care for yourself
Willing to get safely uncomfortable
A beautifully complex& multifaceted human
A full-body "Yesss"
A longing to access "more aliveness" in your body
Fill out the Application& wait for our response

Depending on which offering you’re applying for (The Breath Initiation) (corporate) (Private Mentorship), we’ll either confirm your space or you’ll be added to our waiting list.


Either way- we can’t wait to hear your story. 

PS: A privacy promise- all your answers will remain private, protected and only used for this community space. 

Start your journey
Make your investment& enter the space.

After processing your application, our system will offer you to make payment in any way convenient for you. Depending on your purchase this is in a one-time payment or your first instalment of a payment plan. We work with all payment types shown here for your ease of investment.

* Scholarships& low-income spaces are available in order to make this work accessible: if that’s you please don’t hesitate to send an e-mail to *  


Contact us

Based in Amsterdam

KVK: 77799674

An initiation into returning home to the primal truth of our embodied aliveness.
A space woven with the threads of integrity, sovereignty & Presence

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